Hospital Overhead Table For Sale
1 year ago | 2234 views
Lagos, Nigeria

Hospital Overhead Table For Sale

In today's healthcare environment, nurses and other care providers are often tasked with providing food and drinks to patients in their beds. Hospitals that lack a traditional table in the patient's room must create makeshift work areas consisting of small rolling tables, chairs, or even a bedside tray. This causes a significant back strain as well as accidental spills.

The Overhead Table is specifically configured with a base and lockable wheels to easily slide under a bed, while the tabletop can be adjusted in height to comfortably provide users with a secured space for dining, reading, games, computer work, and crafts.


The value of the table is not its low upfront cost but its long-term savings by eliminating the need for expensive spill cleanups and decreasing back strain among care providers. It also has the potential to reduce infections by providing easy access to food and drink for patients who are unable to get out of bed themselves.

Flexible design

The hospital overhead table can be configured as an 18" x 30" or 24" x 36" tabletop that is adjustable from 32" - 44". The design also includes caster wheels so it can be easily positioned under any bed.

Availability: In Stock
Delivery: Nationwide
Location: Lagos, Nigeria

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Hospital Overhead Table For Sale
1 year ago | 2234 views
Lagos, Nigeria
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